How Divorce Physically Affects Children

How Divorce Physically Affects Children

Going through a divorce is difficult enough when there are no shared children involved. Unfortunately, when a couple with children decides to legally separate, things can quickly become exponentially more challenging. Children of all ages are very prone to the emotional and even physical toll that a parents’ divorce can cause.

By being aware of the ways in which divorce can physically affect children—as well as the ways in which a divorce can actually be better for children in the long run—you can have a better idea of what to expect in your own situation.

Physical Effects of Divorce and Separation on Children

The physical effects of divorce on children have been well studied over the years, and it has largely been found that children who grow up in divorced households (versus two-parent households) are more likely to suffer from a number of physical ailments throughout their lives. This includes not just illnesses, but injuries related to accidents and even drug and/or alcohol abuse.

Oftentimes, children who have gone through a divorce will be more prone to illness. This may be attributed to any number of factors, ranging from a loss of sleep due to stress (which can weaken the immune system) to depression and anxiety.

When Can a Divorce Actually Help a Child’s Physical Health?

On the other hand, it is also important to acknowledge that a divorce can benefit a child both mentally and physically in the long-run. For example, if a child is being exposed to physically or emotionally abusive situations by one parent in the household, then a legal separation with custody awarded to the other parent can result in a positive outcome for the child by removing him or her from the abuse.

Even when no outright abuse is present, a divorce can protect children from the mental and physical stress of growing up in a household with parents who are frequently arguing or otherwise unhappy.

Time to Consult With a Family Lawyer

At the end of the day, every parent wants what’s best for their child. Unfortunately, going through a divorce or legal separation can have far-reaching mental and physical effects on children of all ages. This is why it’s so important to go about the process cautiously and with the right legal team on your side. Schedule your consultation with the experienced professionals at Erica Bloom Law to get the guidance you need!

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