Author Archives: Erica Bloom

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2024 How Long Does a Divorce Take in California?
2024 How Long Does a Divorce Take in California?

Once the difficult decision to end a marriage has been made, most people would understandably prefer their divorce to be resolved sooner rather than later. Divorces have a…

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2024 How Much Does a Divorce Cost in California?
2024 How Much Does a Divorce Cost in California?

If you’re curious about how much a divorce costs in California, you are likely near or past the point of separation and are wondering how your finances will…

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Social Media in Divorce Proceedings
Social Media in Divorce Proceedings

In today's digital age, social media plays a significant role in our lives, including divorce proceedings. It is crucial to understand the potential impact of social media on…

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Child Support While Unemployed: What Is Required?
Child Support While Unemployed: What Is Required?

If you're currently unemployed and have child support obligations, you may be wondering how you'll be able to meet your financial obligations. Fortunately, there are a few things…

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Tax Implications of Divorce in California
Tax Implications of Divorce in California

Divorce is a complicated and emotional process that can have significant financial implications, especially when it comes to taxes. As a family law company in Carlsbad, CA, we…

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Modifying Child Custody Orders in California: When and How to Seek Changes
Modifying Child Custody Orders in California: When and How to Seek Changes

Child custody orders are never set in stone. As life changes, so too can the circumstances surrounding your child custody agreement. If you're a parent in California looking…

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Protecting Your Wealth: Strategies for High-Asset Divorce in California
Protecting Your Wealth: Strategies for High-Asset Divorce in California

Going through a divorce is a challenging and emotional process, especially when significant assets are involved. For high-net-worth individuals in California, it is crucial to have a well-thought-out…

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How Long Do Spousal Support Payments Last After Divorce?
How Long Do Spousal Support Payments Last After Divorce?

Undergoing a divorce is a stressful time. It’s even more stressful when money matters come into the equation. Many times, one spouse earns more than the other, and…

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How Long Do I Have To Pay Spousal Support?
How Long Do I Have To Pay Spousal Support?

Going through a divorce can be one of the most challenging times in someone’s life. Not only is this going to mark the end of a meaningful relationship…

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Divvying Up Inherited Assets In A Divorce
Divvying Up Inherited Assets In A Divorce

Property settlements in divorce proceedings A property settlement is an agreement entered into by divorcing spouses. Its purpose is to provide an equitable and agreed division of their…

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Your Guide To Prenuptial Agreements
Your Guide To Prenuptial Agreements

When it comes to falling in love, planning for the wedding, and dreaming of a happily ever after ending to the story, it is easy to lose sight…

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Non-Physical Domestic Violence
Non-Physical Domestic Violence

One of the most common misconceptions about domestic violence is that it has to be physical. While there’s no doubt that hitting, pushing, biting–and worse–are all abusive behaviors,…

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What Is Parallel Parenting?
What Is Parallel Parenting?

Divorce and separation can be challenging for parents as well as children. It’s important to come up with an arrangement that allows parents and children to continue developing…

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Building Your Support Network During Divorce
Building Your Support Network During Divorce

Divorce is not easy for anyone. It creates an immense amount of mental and financial stress, even when both parties agree. Every person going through a divorce needs…

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What Is Gaslighting In A Relationship?
What Is Gaslighting In A Relationship?

Gaslighting is a term that has grown increasingly common in recent years. Often used but less likely to be understood, gaslighting is a serious form of manipulation put…

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Is It Legal In California To Record My Spouse During Our Divorce?
Is It Legal In California To Record My Spouse During Our Divorce?

A divorce can cause a lot of conflicts, even after it’s over. As the holidays approach, you may feel uncertain about how to celebrate the holidays post-divorce without…

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